Kamis, 15 Desember 2016

Pidato singkat bahasa inggris yang bertemakan kepahlawanan

The teacher as a figure of heroes

Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Hay kalian para pembaca artikel. Perkenalkan nama saya Maulidia, saya berasal dari Lampung. Saya masih duduk dibangku SMA kelas XII IPA 1, SMAN 1 GEDONG TATAAN.
Oiya sebelumnya saya ucapkan selamat ulang tahun kepada ibu guruku yang paling aku sayangi.. Selamat ulang tahun Ibu desi arisandi. Semoga Allah selalu melindungi bu desi😙 selamat ulang tahun juga untuk teman terbaikku desti kemala dewi😙 semoga apa yg dicita citakan desti tercapai. Semangat perjuangin masuk STIS nya!!!😂😙
Oiya, berbagi sedikit pengalaman, kemarin saya mengikuti lomba SPEECH CONTEST disekolahan, nah kebetulan temanya harus tentang pahlawan. Ps: maksud pahlwan disini bkn menceritakan satu objek pahlawan yaaa  tapi disini maksudnya sosok kepahlawananya, yah misalnya seperti orangtua kita,Rasulullah,dll yang mempunyai sosok kepahlawanan bagi kita. Kebetulan saya waktu itu terlintas dibenak ingin membuat sebuah pidato tentang guru, karna guru kan sangat penting bagi hidup saya nomor 2 setelah Orangtua, dan waktu itu pula kita kan telah memperingati hari guru😊 dan saya bingung sekali waktu itu karna persiapan lomba pidatonya seiringan dengan UAS 2016. Otomatis saya mau tidak mau harus pintar-pintar membagi waktu. Dan saya pun berfikir untuk membuka browser internet dan mencari artikel tentang pidato Guru Sebagai Sosok Pahlawan.
Oiya, Terimakasih kepada Muhammad Reza agustian yang telah berbagi ilmu di blognya waktu itu..
Singkat cerita Dan alhamdulillah Allah memberi saya rezeki yang luar biasa, Allah memudahkan saya dalam mengikuti lomba speech contest.dan Alhamdulillah saya meraih THE FIRST WINNER OF SPEECH ENGLISH COMPETITION  SMAN 1 GEDONG TATAAN 2016.
Nah penilaian yang diambil itu mulai dari cara penguasaan materi, pronounnya, keseriusannya, dan masih banyak lagi. yah pokoknya semua tentang pidato deh😄
Nah barangkali teman-teman ada yang mau mengikuti lomba atau suatu kepentingan lainnya yang berkaitan dengan Pidato bahasa inggris yang bertemakan pahlawan. Saya akan berbagi sedikit tentang pidato yang sangat singkat menurut saya😄
Oke langsung aja. Cekidotttt

Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillahirrobbil'alamin . washolatuwassalamungala ash'rofil ambiyaaiwal mursalin. Wangalaalihi wa shohbihi aj'mangin ammaba'du.
The honorable the jury of speech contest
And The honorable all of my beloved friends.

Ladies and gantelman.
First of all, let us say thanks to Allah SWT, which has given guidance and blessing to us, therefore we can gather here without hindrance of any.
Our sholawat and greeting are always delivered on our great prophet Muhammad SAW. Which has brought us from darkness to brighter.

Ladies and Gantelman
Prior to substance, i want to introduce my self. My name is (isi sendiri)
I'm come from (isi sendiri) . And you know i'm standing here because i would like to present about my speech, the theme is HEROES.
And here, i take the title is "THE TEACHER AS A FIGURE OF HEROES".

Ladies and gentelman.
We can write, we are fluent in reading, good at math, we were taught manners, that all traces of the persistence of a teacher in educating us.
Therefore, it is fair if in my speech this time, the topic "Teacher as a figure of Heroes"
Ladies and gentelman.
Recognized or not, no one will last a president without a teacher, not a doctor right there without a teacher, not a teacher right there without a teacher.
To be a president we must be smart, to be a doctor we should be smart, to be a teacher we should be smart and to be smart, we have school. Why should school? why we have school? why? . yeah. Because that's where there is a teacher who is ready to educate us, ready to take us to which we aspire.
Ladies and gentlemen!
Science is the light of life. With science, we learn how to pray to Allah, with science, we learned how to relate to other people. and teach all the science is our teachers.
Shaykh Az Zarnuji said:
"The teacher has brought something far and could open closed doors"
And Saidina Ali Radiallahuanhu, said;
أنا عبد من علمنى حرفا واحدا
"I became a slave who had taught me the letter"

Ladies and gentlemen!
Who teaches a single letter we should respect, let alone taught many letters. So it is clear that important and honorable position of a teacher in our lives. Teacher is the heir to the science of the Apostles. And Rasululloh is the best of teachers for mankind. As stated in the Quran:

لَقَدْ كَانَ لَكُمْ فِي رَسُولِ اللَّهِ أُسْوَةٌ حَسَنَةٌ لِمَنْ كَانَ يَرْجُو اللَّهَ وَالْيَوْمَ الْآخِرَ وَذَكَرَ اللَّهَ كَثِيرًا

"Indeed, it has been present in Rasululloh was a good example for you"

Gentlemen of the jury!
Master has spawned so many great heroes in this earth. So it is appropriate that the one we appreciate the services of our teachers, who have given us knowledge and learning, educating us towards goodness. For me 'Teachers are Heroes'

Ok, ladies and gantelman
Thats all my speech, i do hope my speech will be usefull in our life in this world and the here after. I apologized for any mistake and i have one sentence :
" Undzur ma Qola wa la tandzur man Qola"
Wallahulmuwafiq ila aqwa mith'thoriq . wassalamualaikum wr.wb

Nahh, itu tadi sedikit berbagi tentang pidato singkat kepahlawanan..
Sering-sering mampir ke blog ku ya. Aku merindukan kaliann😂
Jangan lupa, ayo kita berteman lebih dekat. Follow instagram saya ya😄
Lain kali saya akan memposting berbagai hal yang insyaAllah bermanfaat..
Ok saya tutup, Assalamualaikum wr.wb

Salam manis

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